looking north is a series of conversations in multiple parts


Looking North is a project that was born out of the wish to contribute to diversifying discourses about ecological conservation without negating or excluding its current building blocks. By inviting leading artists, authors and ecological initiatives, Looking North has facilitated both online and in-person conversations that explore how we can reflect on and reframe prevalent concepts of landscape, nature and energy, as well as our relationship to them by discussing thoughts expressed by artworks, in the written word, and the inspiring work that is going on across Scotland and beyond.


By seamlessly integrating visual art, literature, and natural sciences with a focus on ecological conservation, our aim is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between humanity and the broader natural realm.

We aspire to shift perspectives by reframing our perception of the natural world, promoting a mindset that views nature through the lens of regeneration rather than extraction.

Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a worldview that transcends the confines of traditional capitalist ideology, encouraging a more profound connection with and appreciation for nature.


  • In the first round, we invited four artists from Scotland: Alex Boyd, Sekai Machache, Mhairi Killin, and Sophie Gerrard. In discussing their projects and thoughts, each speaker introduced us to various alternative ways of thinking about and engaging with conceptions of nature, landscape, and energy. By exploring the artists’ approaches and ideas, this talk series aims to move beyond mainstream narratives surrounding landscape and energy in Scotland which are often inextricably linked with extractive practices and exploitative dynamics between people and what is thought of as nature. Many believe that reframing our relationship to our surroundings and co-inhabitants should be at the very centre of environmental thought and change. Looking North hopes to contribute to this ongoing effort and dialogue.

  • In part two, we were delighted to welcome back each of our artist-speakers and pair them with a nature writer or scholar whose work has explored similar themes. We decided to opt for a two-part format to allow enough time for our speakers to engage in an unscripted and authentic dialogue. In so doing, we hope to cultivate a context in which a conversation can evolve that is stimulating not just to the audience, but the speakers themselves. This was followed by a Q&A in which the audience had the opportunity to participate and ask questions.

  • The third part of Looking North addresses our central themes through the lens of care, healing & regeneration. This is to acknowledge the interconnectedness of this planet’s ecosystem as well as the interdependence of all its inhabitants, including ourselves. Environmental, public and personal health are closely intertwined. Together with our speakers, we wish to explore ways in which healing, care and regeneration provide a framework of being with our surroundings and planetary co-inhabitants. By pursuing positivity rather than neutrality, as in net zero for example, we wish to present care, healing & regenerating practices as central to constituting a shared sense of agency, empathy, and engagement – all of which we believe to be crucial in a healthy society that shares this space peacefully with other beings.